fantasy, Steel and Fire, The Dragonfly Oath, the fire queen's apprentice, The Thunderbird Queen, the watermight thief

New Dragon Art & Cover Reveal!

Hello, everyone! I’m gearing up for the launch of the fourth Bunker Book in two weeks. Before I go into post-apocalyptic mode, I want to share some new fantasy art with you all!

My YA epic fantasy trilogy, The Fire Queen’s Apprentice, has been out for five years, and I couldn’t pass up the chance to commission custom artwork for the anniversary. The books feature dragons, dragon riders, and other magical creatures, so I knew just who to contact for the illustrations: Wojtek Depczyński.

Wojtek created the interior illustrations for the Steel & Fire special edition hardcovers, which included a wonderful line drawing of Dara and Rumy the cur-dragon:

See more of Wojtek’s work here!

This illustration convinced me that Wojtek was the right artist for my dragon books. Fortunately, he was available to paint the new covers for the Fire Queen’s Apprentice, a Steel & Fire spin-off series.

I couldn’t be happier with these dramatic, full-color renditions of Tamri and Selivia, two of the dragons they encounter, and one terrifying thunderbird. They make me think of all the classic fantasy I enjoyed growing up, and I think they reflect the exciting and immersive feel of the books perfectly. Take a look!

Art for The Watermight Thief featuring Tamri and Rook
Art for The Thunderbird Queen featuring Selivia and an attacking thunderbird
Art for The Dragonfly Oath featuring Tamri and a certain dragon she encounters later in the trilogy

The book covers themselves need more than just the art of course. Deranged Doctor Design came up with the typography for the covers, and I’m very excited about how well their work shows off the magic in the series. Here are the covers!

The Watermight Thief
The Thunderbird Queen
The Dragonfly Oath

These gorgeous illustrations are now live on the ebook editions of the books. The original Deranged Doctor Design covers will stay on the paperbacks, so don’t panic if you haven’t completed your set yet. I also plan to use these illustrations for some new special editions coming later this year. I’ll wait until then to show you the full wraparound art ;).

If you want to be notified when the hardcovers launch, please make sure you’re on my mailing list!

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