dystopian, Follow Me to Armageddon, Meet Me at World's End, postapocalyptic, science fiction, Wake Me After the Apocalypse, Young Adult

Bunker Book 4 Cover Reveal!

The Bunker Series continues on June 1st!

Back in 2018 I published an apocalypse novel with before and after timelines about a girl who wakes up alone after a disaster and has to piece together what happened. When Wake Me After the Apocalypse launched, I had ideas for two sequels, one which would take place entirely before the apocalypse and one entirely after it. Together, the three books would tell a bigger story.

At the time, I didn’t know if the first book would sell well enough to justify writing the other two. But the story struck a chord with readers and went on to become my most popular book yet. I’m so grateful to everyone who read the first book and enjoyed it enough to allow me to write the full trilogy.

Five and half years later, the Bunker Series continues to find new readers. The warm response to these books has meant so much to me. Thank you for all the kind words and reviews. Most of all, thank you to the many people who kept saying they wished there were more books.

On June 1st, 2024, there will be! I’m so excited to share a fourth novel in this world with you all. Bunker Book 4 is called Rescue Me from Paradise. This gorgeous green cover is by Dane at Ebook Launch.

The book features two characters’ points of view: Joanna, who picks up her story about a year after Book 3 ends, and a new character called Kate, who will introduce us to a new bunker cohort.

One of my favorite parts of this series is that each bunker community experiences the end of the world differently, and they each come up with different ways to organize their groups, resulting in dozens of unique subcultures. Now that the apocalypse is over, they all have to figure out how to build a future together. I hope you’ll enjoy exploring these possibilities with me.

Preorder Rescue Me from Paradise here

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